
Through the looking glass

~ There with her apple
she is symmetrical to the universe
through a glass window space-time in a vacuum
there with her apple
~ Time slows
she is with her brain that
the universe is modelled after
as she sits there with her apple
euphoria in a meditative trance
~ I see her in a glass window
as she sits there with her apple


Symmetry in life, group theory, love, check books

We know that symmetry exists in nature. But what is symmetry? from a crystallographer and a symmetrologist says "symmetry is the property of geometrical figures to repeat their parts, or precisely, their property of coinciding with their original position when in different positions"

I believe things in life is a perfect balance. If not in balance it will fight to be in perfect balance. If balance does not occur relative to the universe... the survival of the object is subject to change.

Shapes or structures and chemical are stronger if symmetry is present. This idea is in thermal dynamics..

Sometimes I wonder if we are just fighting to become balanced